Closing Party 2019-10-11



Closing Party for 2019-10-11

All Members are cordially invited to join 
in the fun!! The Eagle Brook Closing Party will 
be on October 11th, 2019.  The more successful you 
are at the games the more chances you have at 
the raffle prizes!

6:00-7:30pm - Cocktail hour/Speeches 
7:30-10:30pm - Entree Stations and Gaming 
10:30- 11:00pm- Raffle Prizes

$67++ Per Person
Vegas Attire
(your interpretation)

Reservations are required. 
Please RSVP with Kathy at 
or 630-208-4653 starting September 16th.

RSVP For Event

Login to register for this event.