Opening Day All Day-Breakfeast 2021-04-24


Opening Day All Day-Breakfeast for 2021-04-24

This year we have decided to celebrate our annual opening day event "All Day". We will have a Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner option. These will be the only food options available for the day. Breakfast and lunch will be family friendly and all three times are open to all membership types at the club. All events will have live music, food stations and will utilize the entire upstairs. Please sign up for the event or events that suit your day. We look forward to starting 2021 with a bang.

All appropriate guidelines will be followed as mandated by Illinois Health and Safety protocols.

Omelet Station

Ham, Spinach, Peppers, Onion, Mushrooms, Cheese

Scrambled Eggs, Breakfast Potatoes, Bacon, Sausage

French Toast Station

Syrup, Berries, Whipped Cream, Caramel Sauce, Chocolate Sauce

Fruit Cup and Parfaits

Muffins, Sweet Breads & Bagels

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